Welcome to Forage USA, a website that is your one stop place for information about edible wild plants of the USA

What you will find on this website:


About our Website

This site provides the insight and years of experience of wild food expert J. T. Dabbs, III..  J. T. is the author of Alabama Edibles, Southeastern Edibles,  and the Cultivation and Propgation of Typha latifolia.  J.T.  is featured in the Survival on Wild Edibles and Cooking from the Wild Videos.  J. T. is a frequent lecturer and has taught at the Birmingham Audubon Mountain Workshop since 1986.  J.T has worked for the Boy Scouts of America for 38 years and currently serves as the Scout Executive\CEO of the Greater Alabama Council, Boy Scouts of America, in Birmingham, Alabama.  He is a graduate of Birmingham-Southern College with a BS degree and a Masters in Public and Private Management.

